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Backup for VCSA

In information technology, a backup, or data backup is a copy of computer data taken and stored elsewhere so that it may be used to restore the original after a data loss event.

Source: Wikipedia

The most important information in the short definition for backup “to restore the original after a data loss event”.

We all know how important data is and still, sometimes we do not pay enough attention.

When I “killed” my vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) with an update, I was asked in the process of the update if I have a backup. I did not have one but still clicked yes, because I never had an issue before in my home lab.

I did this time, and I really, really destroyed my VCSA.

After setting up a new VCSA in my home lab, I made sure I use the backup option.

Yes, the backup option is described in the VMware documentation but as I went through the steps to set it up, I thought I put it in writing for this blog post.

Log into the appliance and click on Backup – last menu point on the left side of the screen.

Create backup schedule.

Once the schedule is created, you will see all the details and you can see a list of activities.

Additionally, on a monthly basis I clone the vCenter server and put in onto a shared storage, that utilizes a Backup to the cloud.

Next time I do an update on my VCSA, I have my backup in case something goes wrong, and I can “restore the original after a data loss”.


I am an entrepreneurial and innovative technical; presales; and customer success professional equipped with a Master’s in Business Administration. I am working as a Technical Account Manager at VMware Inc., Zweigniederlassung Deutschland. My early career with Novell involved a promotion to Presales Systems Engineer after having worked on a team of 4 anti-piracy, licensing and intellectual property specialists situated in legal.