
Update your Skyline Health Diagnostics installation to 2.0.2

Just a quick post about the latest update of Skyline Health Diagnostics and how to get it when you’re running version 2.0.1.

On 13th November 2020, VMware released a new minor update of SHD, which includes a few fixes (including an annoying proxy authentication issue) as well as the official support for vSphere 7.0 environments.

The easiest way to get the update is to hit the Check Tool Updates button under the settings pane, as long as you connected your SHD VM to the internet. But sometimes this isn’t working as supposed and you got a red banner that the connection to the update repository failed:

SHD Connection failed

If you look further down in the logs of SHD, in detail the vmware-shd-update.log found under /opt/vmware-shd/vmware-shd/log/, you see that the connection is failing, even if the DNS resolving is working and the URL isn’t blocked by a firewall.

A workaround for that is to restart the SHD service in the shell with the command

systemctl restart vmware-shd

After that, and a fresh login to SHD, the new update is found:

After you successfully downloaded the update tgz-file, it will be installed at the next reboot of the VM.

The other option to update Skyline Health Diagnostics is to use the new .iso-file. This could be handy in dark site installations or other environments in which a direct connection to the internet isn’t possible or allowed.

After the download of the current SHD-ISO from the MyVMware-Portal, just follow the steps from the installation (in short):

  • Attach the .iso-file to the VM
  • Login with root to the VM
  • run mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
  • run the install script to update sh /mnt/cdrom/install.sh

No matter which way you go, after that you’ve successfully updated your SHD tool to the current version and you’re able to check also your vSphere 7.0 hosts and vCenter servers.


I have more than 13 years experience in the Telco and IT business. Most of this time I spent with VMware environments in the SMB / Enterprise environment. At first I worked in the support department, then I changed to the consulting area and then to the operations and architecture team of a large provider of IT solutions for tax consultants. Currently I work as a Technical Account Manager at VMware. I have an affinity for VDI solutions with a strong technical background in the core product range of our company.